Get out
Outside, that is. Go for a walk in a local park. Plan a weekend camping trip. Eat dinner on your patio for a change. Take the time to observe your surroundings. Listen to the birds. Stop to look at that tiny flower on the side of the trail.
Get lost
Literally. Go for a drive in your car and just get lost. No maps, no GPS, no plan. Just turn onto whatever road suits you and enjoy the journey. I did this a couple of years ago with a dear family member who was visiting from out of state. We took along our favorite tunes and drove out into the country, choosing to follow whichever road called to us. It was a great little adventure and gave us memories that I still treasure.
Listen to the music
Ever notice how listening to your favorite music improves your mood? Do it more often and you will notice a definite change in your attitude. After a few tracks, you'll be ready to take on the world. Whether it's jazz, country, classical, classic rock or hip-hop, play the music that YOU love. I have a bit of a walk at work from the parking lot to the office door. Some mornings I like to plug in the headphones and jam to one of my favorite tunes while I make the trek. It's a big mood booster!
Just do it
Like to paint? Love to knit? Consider yourself a writer? When is the last time you made the time to engage in your favorite hobby or pastime? Maybe there's a skill you've been meaning to acquire. Whether it's mastering new software or learning to knit, look for local classes or online courses that would allow you to learn something new. To quote blogger Chris Guillebeau: The choice doesn’t matter — just do something.
Savor something
Whether it's a cup of your favorite coffee, a book you love or a movie you treasure, take the time to experience and SAVOR it. Love every minute of it while you're experiencing it. If you like, create a ritual surrounding your favorite thing to make it special and more meaningful to you. Take care to focus on your favorite thing. Don't check email, Facebook and Twitter while you're watching your favorite movie. Just enjoy it. Fully.
Culture shock
Are you overdue for a little culture shock? As in culture found in the arts? Go to a museum. Attend a play. Take in a concert. Visit a botanical garden. If your city, or one nearby, offers these opportunities, get online and check to see what events or exhibitions are scheduled, then check your calendar and make a date to go.
Take a mini-vacation
Is there an icon, landmark or renowned site in your own city that you've never visited? A restaurant, a great club or music venue? Maybe there's an attraction in a nearby city that you would enjoy. Make plans and go. I'm one to talk. I live in Music City and have never attended the Grand Ole Opry or taken in an evening of music at the Bluebird Cafe. So, I'm taking my own advice. The Bluebird is now on my list.
Fall is almost here, so I can imagine you in a local Starbucks in a few weeks, enjoying your favorite flavored latte on a chilly morning. Or driving down a country lane, getting lost while you admire the fall foliage. As for me, you might find me strolling through the train exhibit at Cheekwood Botanical Garden or taking in the latest offering at the Frist Center for the Visual Arts.
There really is so much to enjoy in life ... if we just take the time. See you on the road!
Do you have a favorite ritual that brings you joy? Is there a place you visit over and over because it brings you peace and pleasure? Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas. While you are required to give a name in order to leave a comment, feel free to leave your first name only or your moniker of choice. To leave a response, click Comment(s) and enter information in the Leave A Reply form.