I was drawn to the beauty of this rose in the gardens at Jackson Square during my recent Christmas vacation in New Orleans. The rose serves as a reminder of the realities of life — that along with happiness and success we must sometimes endure hardship and loss. But in spite of the hardships, life is filled with little gardens that serve as stepping stones from one oasis to the next.
The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to reflect on the successes and mistakes of the past while casting an eye toward the future and the dreams we hope to achieve. Here's to a new year in which we all take time to smell the roses. May it be 12 months filled with more beautiful moments than unpleasant ones, and may we each find the strength to bravely meet the challenges we are sure to face.
Happy New Year to all of you, my dear readers, and a huge thank you for your support of this blog in 2011.
What are your goals and hopes for the new year? What challenges do you anticipate, and how do you plan to meet those challenges? Please leave a comment and share your thoughts.