Recognizing windows of opportunity

We're all in such a hurry, it's often easier to dwell on the negative that we see than to look for creative ways to seek out opportunities. If you knocked on a door and no one answered, or if the door was closed in your face, take the time to look around for other opportunities. As the saying goes: "When God closes a door, he opens a window." Your challenge today is to look for the window. Opportunity is knocking. You just have to find it.
The opportunity may not look quite the way you expected, but take a chance and reach through that open window to see what lies beyond it. You never know when or where you'll find the chance that you've been hoping for to put you closer to achieving a goal or helping someone else to fulfill theirs. A volunteer opportunity will help others, make you feel good and could be a bridge to the career opportunity you're looking for. Open your mind to possibilities that might lead to the outcome you seek.
You never know what opportunities are lurking nearby. So, don't look back at the closed door. Look forward — at the window.
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